The 14 main chakras through which kundalini energy flows are as follows:
1. Muladhara, which means "base" or "root," because it is the lowest chakra in the body. The root chakra, located at the base of your spine near the tailbone, is responsible for excretion, sense of smell, and earth element. It is associated with the adrenal glands.
2. Svadhishthana, which means "one's own self," because it is where the individual comes into being through procreation. The sacral chakra, in the coccyx region, governs sexuality, procreation, sense of taste, and water element. It is associated with the gonads.
3. Manipura, which means "city of jewels," because it has so many conduits of pranic energy intersecting there, and because it is the place where the fires of digestion burn. The navel chakra in the lumbar region, oversees digestion, sense of sight, and fire element. It is associated with the pancreas.
4. Anahata, which means "unstruck sound," because the unstruck sound is the sound of silence. And Anahata is where the silence of your divine consciousness resides. The heart chakra, in the thoracic region, is the seat of consciousness and your soul. It is the gateway to higher consciousness. This chakra manages the sense of touch and air element. It is associated with the thymus gland.
5. Hrit chakra, which means "heart." Right below the anahata chakra, it is the seat of devotion to God and fulfillment of all desires.
6. Vishuddha, which means "purification," (and I'm not sure why). The throat chakra, in the cervical region, deals with sense of hearing, and ether element, and creative expression. It is associated with the thyroid gland.
7. Talu, the nectar chakra, in medulla oblongata, is related to the uvula, the current of pranic energy, and the flow of "soma" (nectar of immortality).
8. Ajna, which means "command center," because it is situated in the area of the glands that regulate the entire endocrine system. The third eye chakra, in the pineal gland/hypothalamus area, seat of the higher self (atman), is responsible for higher wisdom and clairvoyant sight.
9. Manas, which means "sensory mind." In the upper part of ajna chakra, it is the center of your lower mental vehicle: instincts, impressions, and habits.
10. Indu, which means "Moon." In the front part of the brain, it is the seat of your intellect and higher mind.
11. Nirvana, which means "dissolution." At the top of your brain, it is associated with the annihilation of your ego.
12. Guru, which means "light/darkness" or "teacher." Above your head in the lower part of sahasrara chakra, it is the center in which divine light dispels the darkness of ignorance.
13. Sahasrara chakra, which means "thousandfold." The thousand-petaled lotus above your head, itis the center of divine union, integration, and illumination.
14. The Bindu, which means "point." In the upper sahasrara chakra, it is a center of infinitely concentrated energy, the fountainhead from which your entire subtle energy system springs.