First Layer (The Etheric Body)
This is the closest energy body to the physical. The etheric body extends one quarter to two inches beyond the physical body and pulsates at about 15-20 cycles per minute(Pulsating due . The entire body, including organs, can be perceived but it is made of a bluish (emotional) or gray light (highly active).
Second Layer (The Emotional Body)
it is associated with feelings. It is more fluid in nature, This body is about one to three inches from the physical body. This is more like colored clouds that change color depending on what kind of emotions the person is going through. Love, joy, excitement, and even anger will result in very brilliant hues, whereas confused emotions will result in muddy tones. This body contains all the colors in the rainbow.
Third Layer (The Mental Body)
With an even more subtle composition, the mental body holds our thoughts and mental processes. It extends three to eight inches from the body, and generally has a yellow light, which radiates around the head and shoulders, and extends to the body below. This yellow will brighten if a person is deep in thought, or concentrating on mental activities. Although the color associated with this body is yellow, other colors are evident if there is an emotion associated with the thought (stemming from the emotional body).
Fourth Layer (The Astral level)
This is the true bridge to the spiritual plane! When we start to work with this plane, and above, our perception and abilities leap from the physical to the subtle. Here we will begin to perceive energies that are not of this vibrational frequency ie Beyond ones Body. The body of the astral is composed of gorgeous clouds of color, which extend six inches or one foot from the body.
The Fifth Layer (The Etheric Template Body)
This is called template form for the physical body. This is the template that exists before the physical body is formed. It also extends one and one half to two feet from the body .This template has a dark blue hue to it.
The Sixth Layer (The Celestial Body)
This is the spiritual emotional plane where a person will feel things such as bliss, and spiritual ecstasy. When we reach the place of divine love, interconnectedness (generally through deep meditation) we are touching on this plane, which is felt through our celestial body. The colors of this body are very soft in nature (pastel) and glow softly from the body.
The Seventh Layer (The Ketheric Template or Causal Body)
This is the mental level of the spiritual plane (whereas the celestial body is the emotional level of the spiritual plane). This body contains all the other bodies within it and extends up to three and a half feet from the body,. Its structure is made of a gold, or silvery-gold, and appears as a grid type structure, which is very durable. It pulsates and vibrates at a very high speed and within this level; we "know" we are one with God(We are qualitatively same as lord but Qualitatively different, example given by chitanyamahaprabhu is of Ocean and Drop of it) . This body also contains the main Kundalini (energy of the consciousness) force that runs up and down the body.